Best Way to Get an Emergency Alert Delivered and Recognized
Since people are not making phone calls often anymore, the voice phone call now becomes the perfect way to alert an individual. It’s loud and rare.
Most Commonly Used Features of EmailToVoice.Net
You have become a user of EmailToVoice.Net. So, now what? Let’s make sure we all understand the basics of how EmailToVoice.Net works.
Comparing Enterprise SMS using LinkInSMS to RCS and MMS
Enterprise SMS is a feature of EmailToVoice.Net, which uses LinkInSMS to deliver rich content to smartphones. Enterprise SMS from uses the combination of commonly available platforms of Email and SMS to deliver large amounts of formatted data from mission-critical business applications.
Setting Message Delivery Times In EmailToVoice.Net
EmailToVoice.Net provides the ability to set an active window of time for the delivery of voice (TTS) and SMS messages.
Easily Parse the Beginning and End of an Email To Voice Message
EmailToVoice.Net has the ability to designate the beginning and the end of the message that is to be delivered as a voice or text message. When using email to send an alert message as a voice phone call or a Text SMS message, you may want to send only the important information.
Sending Enterprise Text Using a Simple Email Interface
Enterprise Text is a feature of EmailToVoice.Net that creates a custom HTML Web page from your business email alert and then delivers it as a simple SMS message. For each SMS recipient, a custom web page is created and inserted in their SMS text message, allowing viewing of the page of HTML with a simple tap. This allows a single text message to communicate large amounts of formatted data.
Parse Email into a Phone Call Using Microsoft Flow and Workflow Definition Language
Microsoft Flow in Power Automate and EmailToVoice.Net work well together. We have written about this integration in past articles in our Blog. In this post, we are going to delve deeper into the script used to parse the email content into a sensible phone voice message.
Using Microsoft Flow with EmailToVoice.Net to Improve Customer Service Business Processes
Microsoft Flow and EmailToVoice.Net are great companions. Microsoft Flow has email connectors that enhance business flows. These email connectors can seamlessly invoke the abilities of EmailToVoice.Net. EmailToVoice.Net provides the ability to integrate Text to Speech and SMS communications with enterprise business flows.