When and Where to use Email To Voice
lerts from Monitoring Software
Monitoring Software can send emails. But it cannot make a voice phone call. EmailToVoice.Net allows you to merely add another recipient in the monitoring dashboard. The recipient would like something like 5551231234@tts.message-service.org. It is that easy.
upply Chain Communications
An effective communication channel is a voice phone call in regular Supply Chain processes. Phone calls get the participant’s attention. SMS text messaging can also be an effective method of alerts or regular dissemination of timely information.
Providing a voice phone call as integrated communications channels is now easy. With our cloud messaging service called EmailtoVoice.net, all that is needed to send a voice message from an application is the ability to send an email.
EmailToVoice.Net can make a phone call as easy as sending an email. Mission-critical processes that exist in all stages of the Supply Chain already have an email capability.
ommunication Enable Blockchain Applications in Smart Contracts
EmailToVoice.Net provides a cloud-based business communications service that can be invoked by a URL. This enables a Blockchain application to send voice phone calls and SMS messages using a cURL command.
ommunication Enable IoT Devices
If a device can send an email, then it can send comprehensive voice messages. For instance, if an industrial pump in the field breaks down, then the failed device can make contact with a repair truck itself and request immediate attention.
ommunication Enable Business Processes (CEBP)
With Email to Voice, a business application can send Voice, SMS, or FAX messages to any one person or group of people. All the application needs is an email capability. To learn more, contact us. We will provide guidance on a cloud solution for communication enabling your business applications.
ersonal Communications
Anyone with an email can send a voice or text message to any phone. Learn more on How it Works.