Email To Rich Communications SMS

How to Send Authenticated Rich Communications SMS Using Email


Enterprise SMS is a text messaging feature from EmailToVoice.Net that enables the delivery of large amounts of formatted data, up to 16MB, to a cell phone by just sending an email to the SMS phone.

Business applications and monitoring software can deliver detailed information to mobile devices, such as detailed orders, repair instructions, etc. using Enterprise SMS.

Enterprise SMS converts the content of the email into a custom HTML Web page and delivers it in a simple SMS message as a link, allowing the viewing of the Web page with a simple tap.

Features of Enterprise SMS from EmailToVoice.Net

Enterprise SMS provided by EmailToVoice.Net is rich in features to meet any business requirement. Below are some examples of these features.

  • The link can optionally be secured with the use of an authentication question. This helps assure that the recipient of the message is the intended recipient. The question must be answered correctly by the recipient to be able to open the URL link in the SMS message.
  • You can add a Header and a Footer that will be used in all Text messages from your account. For example, you can add a logo, an introductory message, disclaimers, and links using HTML
  • You can specify a specific SMS Sender ID so the recipient can recognize the sender of the text message.
  • You can enter a default email address for SMS replies. So, if the recipient replies to the text message, the reply will go to this email address.

There are many more features of the Enterprise SMS Messaging feature in EmailToVoice.Net. Let us know if you would like to learn more. Contact us. We love to share our experience in workflow, industrial communications, and alerts.


How Enterprise SMS works

  1. Sign up for EmailToVoice.Net
  2. Enter in the “to” field.
    • phonenumber for the USA and Canada is something like 5555555555. The number does not need to be preregistered with EmailToVoice.Net.
    • For International numbers outside of the USA and Canada, the phonenumber needs a + country code and would look something like +6155555555.
  3. The FROM email address must be the same as specified in the subscription process, or a special email address you provided us.
  4. Type in anything you want in the subject field using less than 120 characters.
  5. The message in the email will be converted to an HTML Web page, up to 16MB, and a link to the page will be inserted in the SMS message.
  6. And then just send the email. The recipient will receive a link to the custom web page.


You can also send to a list of recipients. Review the ‘Multiple Destinations’ topic in the Features document for more information on the ‘Lists’ tag as well as many other useful capabilities.



Authentication of Recipient

Rich communications can be sent as a URL link in an SMS. Access to the content in the URL link can optionally be secured with the use of an authentication question. This helps assure that the recipient of the message is the intended recipient. The question must be answered correctly by the recipient to be able to open the URL link in the SMS message.

The Rich Content Security Solution

We can secure a private webpage of data, with a security phrase and security answer all delivered via a unique SMS. The secure webpage can be created using the web portal, email to LinkInSMS, or via API. Here’s how to do it.

On the web portal, compose your message, then choose advanced options. Once your SMS body and page are created, click “Use secure Link In SMS” to define the security phrase and security answer that is relevant to the broadcast.

Using email, simply add a security question and answer parameters in the body of your email, such as:

<SecurityQuestion>Please type your access code</SecurityQuestion>



Secure Web Page Creation

EmailToVoice.Net automatically creates and hosts a secure custom HTML Web page using information from the email sent to our service from a business application.

Secure Transmission

The message is transmitted to the recipient as a secure HTML web page using an HTTPS active link in the SMS message. HTTPS uses TLS (Transport Layer Security). TLS provides the content of the message is securely traveling from our cloud-based messaging platform to the Mobile phone protected from “man-in-the-middle” attacks. The message cannot be read while the data is in transit.


Enterprise Text alerts









All Business Communications

Did we mention that you can send a TTS, SMS, LinkInSMS, FAX or prerecorded Voice Message from an email program interface, like from an application, Internet of Things device (IoT / M2M) or through your CRM, Dispatch System or Patient Care system?

Just add another contact email address using from your program and your done.

To do this, there is no more need for complicated Application Program interface (API) programming or complex gateways. Learn more about Where to Use EmailToVoice.Net

Free Business Alert Messages

When you subscribe for your company, you get $5.00 USD worth of alert voice and SMS messages.

You can immediately send messages. You don’t need a credit card. There is no recurring monthly fee or long-term commitment.